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Submitted by Dr. Arya Sengupta,1966 Mech Engg


The BE College Alumni Association Delhi Chapter is one fairly active organisation of its kind. We have more than 400 members. For more than 15 years now, BECAAD organises every year a number of events for the benefit of its members. These include annual picnic, moonlight picnic, cultural programmes (at least two every year), technical seminars (at least one annually, on a grand scale) and some more regular activities. For the benefit of BECAA members elsewhere I attach below the Report of the AGM 2003




Dear Members, 

The Annual General Meeting of our organisation was held on 28th June 2003 at the Dogra Hall at IIT Delhi. It was presided over by Sri Sudhansu Chakraborty (1956 Civil), the Chief Patron of BECAAD

The new Executive Committee has been formed with following office bearers

     President                             Arya Sengupta ('66 Mechanical)

     General Secretary                 Asim Deb ('77 E & TC)

     Associate General Secretary   Angshuman Chattopadhyay ('84 E & TC)

     Treasurer                             Amarnath Chakraborty ('65 Civil)

     Cultural Secretary                  Ms. Lalita Dasgupta

     Communication Secretary       Subhashis Sanyal ('76 E & TC)

     Seminar Secretary                 Ramaprasad Roychoudhury ('73 Civil)



The House empowered the newly formed committee to include members into various sub-committees, to make BECAAD more effective. House also congratulated two  of our distinguished members for their elevations into their professional careers: Dr. Dulal Goldar ('67 Civil) who has been appointed the Principal of Delhi College of Engineering and Debidas Dutta ('70 Civil) who is now   the Chairman  & Managing Director of Water & Power Consultancy Services (I) Ltd (WAPCO). The house requested them to actively help our Association in various ways they can and the two members have agreed to do so.

The audited financial report for the year 2002-2003 was read out. 

The house acknowledged the contribution of Ms. Lalita Dasgupta for organising cultural functions and also motivating others to take active interest in our cultural get-togethers.

The AGM concluded with thanks to all the members and their family present.


Asim Deb.

General Secretary