Respected Seniors and all Alumni,
Wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous New Year.
We have pleasure to inform you that, we are organising our Annual Picnic 07 on Sunday, the 4th of February 2007.
You, along with your family and friends are cordially invited to join the picnic and make it a grand success. Please extend your help to inform and invite other members of the association whom you happen to meet, lest this letter does not reach them in time due to any reason.
The location and venue is detailed below:
Location : Sainik Firm
Venue : Malik , W-17K/3
Entry : Sainik Farm Gate from Khanpur side of Mehrauli Road
Landmark : Police Post on Western Avenue, Bandh road immediate left , second right down the slope , immediate right on South Avenue and 500 m you hit the venue – it is about 300 metre before the site where the Moonlit Picnic was held .
A Map showing the location is attached for reference.
We know, you all are wise not to miss the BECAAD Annual Picnic, 2007, Loads of Fun, Booty of Prizes, Joy of Togetherness!! We also request you again to inform your alumni friends personally known to you, to ensure maximum participation in our picnic.
Regarding conveyance, for the last few years, the response is very low in availing the bus; facility most of the members are arriving on their own conveyance. Therefore, this time we propose to arrange our Own Conveyance – ample parking space is ensured.
The Investment – Your Valuable time and Rs. 100/- per head ( for all above 12 years) to be paid on-site. The Feast- Inspirations are drawn from the success of Moonlight PICNIC. In addition, we have arranged fun & games for everyone.
Help line Services for the Picnic:
Sri Asim Deb +91-98119 99369
Sri Angshuman Chattopadhaya +91-11-2692 6901(Off)/ 129-329 2263(Res)
Sri Banibrata Mondal +91-98733 37046
Sri Prithwis Das +91-98187 18176
Sri Anupam Hazra +91-98110 95758
Sri Anantadeb Dutta +91-9891052676
Wish an enjoyable picnic for everyone
With Best Regards,
Kaushik Chatterjee
Bengal Engineering College Alumni Association, Delhi.
Mobile: +91- 98102 59805